

Soul care is dedicated to establishing meaningful connections with every individual who enters our doors, be it through worship, church visits, Bible studies, retreats, or small group gatherings. Our doors are open to everyone. Our mission is to ensure that each person encounters the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ through the avenues of scripture, music, nourishment, and community.


The Student Internship program cultivates the Wesley Student Experience, College Continuation, and Professional Training to bring student's matriculation full circle.


Community Impact Ministry is designed to provide a mutually beneficial relationship between the Wesley Students and the community.

Volunteer projects are weekly and will be within the Langston community as well as surrounding communities!

Girl Code (wOMEN’S gROUP)

emphasizes three core pillars: faith, friendship, and fellowship. Through regular meetings, prayer sessions, and engaging activities, the group instills a sense of purpose and belonging among its members. Girl Code encourages a strong faith foundation while recognizing the challenges women face in their academic and personal lives.

Mental Health Monday

Providing support and resources for students’ emotional well-being, every Monday the Wesley hosts certain programs relating to mental health and self-care.